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# Free as in freedom and as in beer podcasting
I will present tools and methods 4 creating your own podcast using free software and free hosting for Penny Pinchers like myself

* What is podcasting?
* Why podcasting? Walkcasting?
* How podcasting?
# Details
* View the [Session Details]( on flosstival site.
* Listen to the stream on Sunday at 10:25 EST in the [Second room (recorded)](
* View the [source]( of this presentation.
* View the website of this presentation [website](
# What is podcasting
## Elements of podcasting
* Recording of audio
* Hosting, Distribution and streaming of audio
* Hosting, Distribution and Indexing and Finding and subscribing to Podcast metadata (Rss)
* Other things that are technically not quite podcasting...
# How big is podcasting?
## Numbers
* 1.5 million podcasts
* Over [50 million episodes](
* 68 million daily listeners in USA
## Big podcasts
* [Top 20](
* [Top 100](
## History
* 2004 The Beginning with Adam Curry and David Winer
* 2005 Steve Jobs launches the itunes index with data from Curry
[TimeLine]( [TimeLine2](
[Wikipedia]( Article
You can listen to the [Interview With Adam Curry](
# Why Podcasting for beginners
* [Things that matter for people who care](
* Documentation of dialect and local local languages
* Local and Topical Networks
* Confidence through practice
* Socialization and Exchange of value during Covid
* Sharing Stories with marginal social groups
* Geek Therapy
* Independence and Liberty
* Authentic and Raw
* Direct Peer2Peer Sharing possible. ( supports torrents)
# What to watch out for?
* OpSec
* Doxing
* Illegal Activity
* Censorship
* Outrage
# Why Walkcasting?
* Feeling Happy
* Walking in Nature
* Collecting GPS tracks and
* Documenting POI for interest groups
* Taking pictures for wikimedia
* Sharing local information
# Free as in Freedom
* Tracking of Listeners
* Tracking of Behavior
* Advertising Influence( Brand safe)
* Permanent archive?
* Contingent [Precarat]( You can be shut down any time and lose everything
# Censorship of Content
* Companies control of what you see
* Surveillance and Censorship of Big Tech
* Marginal Content
* Community Standards
* Tyranny of the Algo
* Bias of Deep Learning
* No recourse
# Accessibility to the developing world
* Prohibitive cost for Balkans?
Albania has a media per capita income of [$1902 per year]( (USA $15k)
* Access to Credit cards, paypal?
In 2016 only %3 of transactions were [non cash in Albania](
In 2011 only between %4-14 used a [credit card](, in 2014 it was still at at %3.5.
In 2017 only %40 of Albanians had a [bank account](
# Audio Quality
* Microphones
* Background Noise
* Wind and Cars
* Audio Levels
* Speaker at different levels
* Editing
* Audacity
* [audiorecorder](
* []( non free
* [New Pipe](
# Hosting
* Providers
* Bandwidth
* Limit on uploads
* Limit on downloads
* Donations
* Ease of Use
* Mobile App
* Help Posting on social media
* Distribution to platforms
* Website hosting
# Privacy
Analytics and Tracking
* Users
* Listens
* Rewinds and behavior
* Sharing
* Donations
* IP addresses
* Long term Cookies
* Cross platform tracking
# Monetization
* Advertising
There are some interesting rates [here]( starting at $210 a month for 10k listeners for a 30 second advert.
That is $21k for 1 million listeners.
It is said that Joe Rogan has [100 million listeners](
He did a $100 million [deal](
* Pateron [Alternatives](
* Earning money by sharing valuable information (blockchain networks)
* Providing transcription services
* Providing music services
* Providing hosting services
# Lightning
The pod-father Adam curry recommends you do not monetize your podcast via advertising so that you remain free of influence.
He is working on a bitcoin based payment system as well as the [value for value model](
* Podcasting 2.0 [lightning network](
# Pod-catchers
* [Antennapod](
* [Gpodder](
Many on [Github](
# Free full service podcasting
* [Hacker Public Radio](
* []( has a mobile app that is very easy to get started with
* [redcircle](
# Free Hosting providers for media
There is an overview of hosting from [blubrry](
They recommend against using for hosting your podcast even though I think it works.
* [](
Read [this article](
* wikimedia commons [Audio Podcasts](
# Free hosting for RSS feeds
* [Freedom Controller](
* Hosting on GitHub
* [wiobyrne](
* [preservethispodcast](
[preservethispodcast Github](
* []( allows you to just insert links to media files.
* [Blogger]( allows for [enclosures](
# Podcast Indexes and Directories
* [itunes](
* [](
* [Google Podcast](
* [Spotify](
* [gpodder]( is dead
see more [here](
# Clips
Here you can host clips of your podcast for promotion
* [Listennotes]( will allow you to clip your podcast and share the clip.
* [TikTok]( will host 15-60 second clips.
* [Instagram](
* [Facebook](
* [Twitter](
# Bandwidth Bytes for self hosting.
Here is a [calculator for your bytes]( and [another one](
If your podcast episode is 200MB and you produce every day then you will have a bandwidth of
6.2 GB per listener per month! So that is the upload size as well.
We will round this up to 10GB per month.
Lets say you run this for one year, you will have 120 GB of data.
And lets say you have 10 daily listeners, that is 100GB of transfer.
# S3
Now using the [s3 calculator](
* 120 GB x 0.0230000000 USD = 2.76 USD per month
See this similar calculation [here](
# Free not so much podcasting
* [Soundcloud]( (Limited)
* [Youtube](
* [bitchute]([alts](
* [](
* [MediaGoblin]( open source video hosting platform
## P2P
* [BitTorrent Content Distribution for Podcasts](
* [Converts youtube channels into podcasts that are distributed over ipfs](
* [Peertube](
* [lbry]([alts]( blockchain based protocol for sharing content
* [dtube] ( p2p based on steemit blockchain
* supports [torrents for individual items](
* [WebTorrent]( lets your stream the torrent and watch them directly
* Read more about [Broadcatching](
# Podcast Music
For musicians podcasts can be interesting as well.
* [Podcast Music](
* [ninichimusic](
* [Fiverr](
Read [more](
# Future
* [erdfa](
* [Deep Speech](
* [Voice Commands](
* [Podcast-Archiver](
* Distribution to other platforms
* Value Networks and Local Exchanges
## To research
[archipel]( p2p file sharing
[zeronet]( Uncensored websites using torrents
Some of my Favorites Podcasts
* [No Agenda Show](

* [Hacker Public Radio](
Podcasts about Open source
* [List] (
* [List2](
* [AwsomeList](
# Takedowns on
* The EU was bombarding the with [takedown requests](
* Some terrorist videos do get [taken down](
* Factchecking has [started on](
# Limited free hosting
Here are some providers that provided limited or trail free hosting.
* [Buzzsprout](
* [Spreaker](
* [PodBean](
* [Spoonacast](